Packaging Design

Packaging design
logo design
thank you card

What we did

Illustrations / Thank you cards / Packaging design /  MRP / Tag design.

Would you prefer carrying a Coco Channel bag or a Bata bag heading off to a party? We heard you say, “Of course Coco Channel, is it even question to ask”. But have you ever thought why? The whole thing revolves around one element, the king – Branding. It is the company who determines its personality. The ultimate goal of the branding is recognition and positive perseverance. Apart from logos, taglines and slogans another major wing that branding has inculcated during the recent years and pampered the most is the Package Design. Packaging plays a seductive role in attracting the customers in the stores towards itself, the customers overwhelmed from the beauty of the outer cover might end up buying the product. The quote, ‘Never judge a book by its cover,’ is absurd when Packaging is the hero of your entire branding movie.

Presentation of the brand impacts the customers’ relationship with the brand and we are creative presenters. Branding reflects the image of the company and packaging is a storyteller which remains with your customer till it perishes if it is loved by the customers. AAdy Jones, a high-quality fashion company who realized the importance packaging. The given brief was to create a unique look and feel for their product package as well as the bags to carry the same, along with attractive price tags and cards as a token of gratitude for their customers. Realizing the power of the Social Media, a platform where most of the marketing is today is a powerful tool to attract the target audience and grab more web traffic, AAdy Jones needed a well- built Facebook page to expand their reach to the customers. Branding has always been a cherry on our cake and hence we successfully helped the company to have an appealing yet functional packaging as well price tags. The gratitude cards were developed for the customers to feel the warmth to connect with the brand and walk out confidently with the well-designed carryforwards.

We are branding freaks inheriting every atom of branding within us to make your company stand out.
We are dynamic doers rather than static talkers, experiment with the experienced.


Aady Jones – Clothing brand


High-quality fashion company needs to have an attractive branding so creating the right packaging design for the same was our challenge.

Final Brand Assets

#Supercharge your business today!

Contact us today to build your brand – we starts from brand name to brand placement.

Call us for a discussion on +91-80-30474748

Building Digital India . Make for India

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